August 26, 2024
[ICOM Solidarity Project 2024] Effective Museum Leadership in Mitigating Risks in Conflict and Crisis Publication

We are delighted to present the outcomes of the ICOM Solidarity Project Effective Museum Leadership in Mitigating Risks in Conflict and Crisis. Throughout 2023 and 2024 we have been developing and testing best ways for what are now Guidelines for Developing a Successful Online Director’s Forum for Museum Leaders.
This project, launched in 2023, expanded upon the Director’s Forums and Mentoring programs conducted in 2022-2023, following the insights gained from INTERCOM’s Museum Leadership research (2021-2022). The primary goal was to create and distribute guidelines, templates, and a technical manual to enable National Committees (NCs), International Committees (ICs), and Regional Alliances (RAs) to independently run their own Director’s Forums. These resources were specifically designed to support museum leaders in managing local crises such as war, cultural disruption, and trafficking, as well as global challenges like climate and biodiversity crises.
Please find the guidelines in English, Arab and French language:
- ENG guidelines: Effective Museum Leadership in Mitigating Risks in Conflict and Crisis: Guidelines for Developing a Successful Online Director’s Forum for Museum Leaders
- ARAB guidelines: القيادة الفعالة في المتاحف للتخفيف من مخاطر الصراعات والأزمات: مبادئ توجيهية لتطوير منتدى المدير الناجح عبر الإنترنت لقادة المتحف
- FRA guidelines: Une direction de musée efficace pour atténuer les risques en cas de conflit et de crise: Lignes directrices pour l’élaboration d’un forum de directeurs en ligne réussi à l’intention des dirigeants de musée
We highly recommend also the Online Director’s Forum recording: Effective Museum Leadership in Mitigating Risks in Conflicts and Crisis from 21 May 2024, showcasing a disaster and risk management in case of Franja Partisan Hospital by Miha Kovač, director of Idrija City Museum in Slovenia.
We invite all users to implement these guidelines and share their results and feedback with us. Your experiences and insights are vital for the continued improvement and success of this global initiative.
This is a part of International Council of Museums – ICOM Solidarity Project: Effective Museum Leadership in Mitigating Risks in Conflict and Crisis (2023-2024).
Leading partner: ICOM SEE
Partners: INTERCOM, ICOM ICOM Arab, ICOM Tanzania, ICOM Zambia