Board members

Alenka Černelić Krošelj, chair

Alenka Černelič Krošelj, museum advisor, studied at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. After graduating in history of art, ethnology and cultural anthropology, she worked in different institutions and was involved in several projects financed with EU funds. Since 2014, she has been the managing director of the Posavje Museum Brežice (Slovenia). She is involved in different strategic and development groups and boards (Posavje Regional Development Agency), organisations and societies focused on developing our society through and with our cultural heritage.

She is a lecturer at the Faculty of Tourism. She was a Vice Chair of ICOM Slovenia (2017—2022) and member of ICOM Slovenia Supervisory Board, Chair of Slovenian Museums Association, and the Chair of RA ICOM SEE (2019—2022). From 2021 she is a member of the Governing Board of IMREC (International Museums Research and Exchange Centre).


Virgil Ştefan Niţulescu, vice chair

Virgil Ştefan Niţulescu was born (1959) and grew up in Bucharest. He had have graduated the University of Bucharest and holds a Ph. D. in History. He was working, all my life, for culture, in cultural institutions, in central cultural administration and in the Legislative (for the Committee on Culture of the House of Deputies). His highest responsibility was that of secretary of state in the Ministry of Culture (2005 – 2006).

He was curator archaeologist in the Ialomița County Museum (1984 – 1988) and in the National Museum of History of Romania (1988 – 1991). Currently. He’s a curator and the manager of the National Museum of the Romanian Peasant and editor-in-chief of the Romanian journal of museums. He’s an associate professor at the University on Bucharest, teaching cultural management, and occasionally teaching at the University and at the National Institute for Cultural Research and Training.

He was involved and is active in a different culture-related NGOs, such as: member of ICOM since 1992, an individual member of INTERCOM and CIDOC, a member of the Bureau of ICOM Romania (1994 – 2014, from 2004 to 2014 being the president of ICOM Romania), re-elected chair of ICOM Romania in June 2022; a former vice chair of the Advisory of ICOM (2004 – 2010), member of the Board of CIDOC (2001 – 2007; 2011), member of the Committee on judicial problems of ICOM (2006 – 2014), member of the WG on Statute (2014 – 2017). In 2019, I was elected as vicechair of ICOM SEE.


Lidija Milašinović, vice chair


Lidija Milašinović was born in 1977 in Kikinda. She studied at the Faculty of Philosophy – University of Belgrade, at the Department of Archaeology (MPhil in archaeology). She has been employed at the National Museum of Kikinda since 2004 as a curator archaeologist (senior curator since 2018). She has been managing Kikinda museum as a director since 2010. She works in the field of museology (heritage interpretation) and heritage rehabilitation through the local community engagement.

She was involved in several projects funded by EU programs (IPA Cross-border Cooperation Serbia-Romania, Serbia-Hungary, RSEDP through the European Agency for Reconstruction, Ljubljana Process II) and she is in charge of international archaeological investigation projects with the University of Michigan, University of Wisconsin and the University of Dublin. In regional cooperation she has many years of cooperation with the Forum of Slavic Cultures as well intermuseum cooperation with numerous museums from the region. She is involved in local culture strategy development. She is a member of ICOM Serbia since 2011 and was a member of ICOM Serbia Steering Committee (2013-2016).


Urška Purg, secretary


Urška Purg is a museum advisor, social pedagogue, ethnologist and a cultural anthropologist by education. Currently, she is working as a curator in the Slovenian Banking Museum. She has been working in museums since 2010. In this time, she has been working on some large and small scale international projects, dealing with difficult heritage, participation, inclusion and oral history. Seeing the museum work from all ends, she managed to gather experiences for her later work, dedicated mostly to international cooperation with contemporary museology approaches in order to bring museums closer to the audiences in the most innovative ways.

At the same time, she carried out the practical training in Current Museology Course for the bachelor students of the Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, and performed several museology trainings for the young adults and museum staff in Slovenia, Austria and Germany. Moreover, she attended several museology trainings herself in Slovenia and abroad (Austria, Germany, Latvia, USA), in order to keep up with the current trends in museology, to be able to implicate and use them in her work.

She has been a secretary of ICOM Slovenia (2017-2020), later a member of the Executive board (2020-2022), from 2022 on the Supervisory board of ICOM Slovenia; and a member of the Supervisory board of the Slovene Museum Association (2021-2022).