March 15, 2021
European Conference 2021: LIVING IN EUROPE Conference

invites you to take part in the international symposium
The MUSEOEUROPE project was conceived in 2012 as part of the project MARIBOR 2012, European Capital of Culture. In 2014, our museum organised a symposium on the theme of The Applied Value of the Wooden Wheel. In 2015, the theme of the symposium was Meetings of Two Worlds. In 2016, on the 170th anniversary of Franz Liszt’s performance in the Knights’ Hall of Maribor Castle the symposium theme Europe at the Time of Franz Liszt was dedicated to this musical virtuoso. In 2017, the central focus is on kitchens, food and eating under the umbrella title of Kitchen Debate. The year 2018 was centred upon the general theme of the uniform as a reminder of social order and tradition, and in 2019, we made use of the Regional Museum Maribor’s clothes collection with the theme ‘Textiles, clothing culture and fashion’.
In 2021, within the framework of the internationally recognised project MUSEOEUROPE, we shall link up with ICOM Europe as partners in an international symposium. As part of this, we shall host ICOM Europe’s annual conference.
The MUSEOEUROPE 2021 Symposium has the title LIVING IN EUROPE. The focus will be on the living environment of both individuals and communities as expressed in cultural heritage. We welcome symposium contributions on interpretation of heritage, archaeology, history, fine art, applied art, architecture, music and so on. Moreover, as Slovenia will be gaining the flattering title of gastronomic region of Europe for 2021, we also expect contributions on the theme of gastronomy.
Papers will be grouped into four sections:
1. Public and intimate living spaces;
2. Social changes and the family;
3. Food and drinks from local to global;
4. Impact of migration on arts, crafts, architecture and on music
We invite historians, art historians, ethnologists, archaeologists, anthropologists, sociologists, cultural scientists, psychologists, communicologists, pedagogues, and others to participate. The symposium will take place on 14-16 October 2O21 in the Knights’ Hall of Maribor Castle. Contributions should be in English and will be published in an electronic collection of papers. The submission deadline for the preliminary titles and abstracts comprised of up to 600 characters without spaces is 5 March 2021. You will be notified of having been selected by 19 February 2021. The selected authors should send their contributions in English to the following email address: by 31 May 2021. English language revision of the contributions and their translation into Slovene will be provided by the symposium organiser. The selected papers will be presented at the symposium in Slovene and English. The duration of each presentation is 15 minutes. Registration Fee for Authors is 70/100/130 €. In case that the epidemiological picture does not allow the symposium to be held, the symposium will be conducted online.
Additional information can be obtained by writing to, by calling +386 (0)2 228 35 51 or on web site
Warm regards on behalf of the Regional Museum Maribor.
Dr Mirjana Koren, Director
General Information (in English)
General Information (in Slovene)