April 29, 2020
Learning from disasters and pandemics

ICCROM, in cooperation with UNESCO, INTERCOM – International Committee for Museum Management, ICOM Croatia, Museum Documentation Centre and Ethnographic Museum in Zagreb offers an online workshop for museum professionals.
The training focuses on learning from disasters and pandemics and target group are museum directors and leaders, heads of departments and decision makers. A proactive approach and dedication to improve condition in our museums are needed in difficult times and leaders should know how to make informed choices.
Monday 4 and Tuesday 5 May 2020
From 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM (on both days)
Duration: 3.5 hours
Language: English
Pre-register your interest by sending an email to: goranka.horjan@gmail.com no later than 2 May 2020
Zoom meeting link for May 4 2020
Meeting ID: 820 4383 8067
Password: 866277
Zoom meeting link for May 5 2020
Meeting ID: 828 9316 3904
Password: 061415
Workshop Organisers will issue a certificate of attendance.
Building on the conclusions of the Ministerial Conference on Fostering European Cooperation for Cultural Heritage at Risk, held in Dubrovnik during the Croatia’s EU presidency from 26 to 27 February, 2020, this workshop will involve museum directors in Croatia to effectively manage the twin emergencies induced due to the earthquake that occurred on 23 March 2020 and the COVID-19 outbreak.
ICCROM, in partnership with UNESCO, INTERCOM and ICOM Croatia and Museum Documentation Centre, Croatia, is organising the online sessions in the framework of its flagship programme on First Aid and Resilience for Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis (FAR) specifically addressing the current issues. The FAR programme provides practical information, knowledge and tools for disaster risk prevention, preparedness, emergency response and recovery.
The workshop aims to enhance the abilities of museum leaders to make informed decisions in times of crisis, and will enable them to identify all possible hazards, existing capacities and effective responses. It therefore, features dedicated discussions on leadership and risk management in times of crises.
Ongoing maintenance and preventive care are crucial for effective disaster risk management. To achieve this, museums require adequate resources to mitigate risks to their buildings and collections. The current pandemic and the experience of manging an earthquake induced emergency have valuable insights to offer. The Croatian recent experience in having multiple disasters striking going on at the same time imposes new challenges for leadership in crises.
At the end of the session the participants will be able to:
- Understand the risks posed to their institutions, collections and staff due to the outbreak of COVID 19 pandemic as well as the damage induced by the recent earthquake.
- Develop a coordinated plan of action to address immediate needs as well as risks in order to transition to early recovery.
- Identify actors, stakeholders and rights, who have to be involved in the response actions.
- Articulate and communicate their needs to decision makers, staff and their visitors as well as extended communities.
The workshop sessions spread over two half days will be held in a webinar format followed by moderated discussion.
Representatives of UNESCO (TBD), Aparna Tandon (ICCROM), Rohit Jigyasu (ICCROM), Eugénie Crété (ICCROM), Alessia Strozzi (ICCROM), Goranka Horjan (INTERCOM), Darko Babić (ICOM Croatia)
Roberto Nahum (ICCROM), Yasmin Hashem (ICCROM)
Anne-Marie Gilis (INTERCOM)
Maja Kocjan (MDC)