November 16, 2021
Meeting, colloquium and field workshop of ICOM SEE Meeting

Meeting, colloquium and field workshop of ICOM SEE
19 and 20 November 2021, Brežice, Slovenia
Regional Alliance ICOM SEE (South East Europe) connects 11 countries in region. We try to support museums, museums workers and experts in their work with the goal of improving conditions in region.
After last „live“ meeting on 13th December 2019 in Belgrade, the Chair, Alenka Černelič Krošelj invited members to Brežice to the Posavje Musuem Brežice in Slovenia, her hometown and institution. We meeting was connected also with ICOM Slovenia.
The meeting started with morning ceremony – first presentation of the just published Red list of ICOM SEE. This was quite a challenging project that connected experts from 10 countries and the result is finally available. After presentation given by Slovene expert, member of the preparation team Darnika Kolar Osvald, ICOM Slovenia awards took place. After the welcoming speech of Alenka Černelič Krošelj, director of the Posavje Musuem Brežice and ICOM Slovenija vice-chair, dr. Blaž Vurnik, member of the ICOM Slovenija bord presented the winners. Award for international co-operation and project was given to the Slovene Ethnographic Museum and team lead by dr. Tanja Roženbergar (member of ICOM SEE) – dr. Mojca Marija Terčelj, Daijela Grgić, Jasna Kralj Pavlovec. The second prize for promoting ICOM IMD theme was given to Maribor Art Gallery and team lead by Simona Vidmar together with Jure Kirbiš and Brea Kolar Sluga. The special guest were also members of ICOM SEE. As Alenka Černelič Krošelj, ICOM SEE Chair already represented ICOM Slovenia and the host, ICOM SEE was represented by Slavko Spasić and dr. Virgil Stefan Nitulescu ICOM SEE vice-chairs.
After the Advisory Council meeting on-line from 12. to 14.00, where Alenka Černelič Krošelj presented a short report about the conditions in SEE region, the meeting of ICOM SEE started at 15.00. It was organized live and on-line. After working through adopted agenda, report about on-going project given by dr. Goranka Horjan, the colloquium titled Advantages, expectations and opportunities for ICOM SEE network in the post corona era– The power of museums started with opening paper by dr. Tanja Roženbergar. She emphasized the three spaces of modern museum in the future: social inclusion and two-way communication, relation between museums and the planet and digitization with all IT needs. After presentations given by Slavko Spasić, Svetlozar Teodorov and dr. Virgil Stefan Nitulescu the discussion was lively and directed to recovery and future, especially in field of ICOM SEE co-operation and building strong network.
The second day included field workshop with visit four example of good interdisciplinary co-operations and projects. First stop was outdoor exhibition Milestones by the Posavje Musuem Brežice, the next was presentation and experience of digital room e-Castles of Posavje (digitized content of the cultural heritage of Posavje castles, 3D models, internal captures of castles in the form of point clouds, 360-degree footage and video with 3D models) which is an example of good co-operation between museums, development agency and tourism. Visit to small but very live village Podbočje was a great experience of connecting museums with different societies and making successful stories as it us presented renovation of the square, development of awarded gastronomic souvenir and promoting local stories with local food: „cop na lop“ and „cviček“ (special bread and regional wine). The next stop was Art Gallery Božidar Jakac in special town Kostajevica na Krki. After „consuming art“ we went to Kunst Restaurant in Krško where we tasted more local food that also presented the project Black and white treasure of Krškopolje field – joint project initiated also by the Posavje Museum Brežice.
Two days of fruitful work after two years of on-line meetings gave a new important energy to Regional Alliance ICOM SEE.
Alenka Černelič Krošelj
00 386 31 342 252