September 18, 2023
ICOM SEE Annual Conference Conference

ICOM SEE Annual Conference
Museums, Sustainability and Wellbeing
Celebrating 20 Years of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (17 October 2003–17 October 2023)*
16–17 October 2023
National Museum of the Romanian Peasant, Soseaua Kiseleff nr. 3, sect. 1 011341 Bucharest, Romania
ICOM South East Europe (ICOM SEE) is pleased to announce its annual conference, which will be held in Bucharest, Romania, on 16 and 17 October 2023. The conference theme is aligned with the International Museum Day 2023 theme ‘Museums, Sustainability and Wellbeing’. The aim of the conference is to explore the relationship between museums, sustainability and wellbeing, and to discuss how museums can contribute to a more sustainable and content society, thus including the topics of food heritage, tangible and intangible heritage.
Museums have a unique role to play in promoting sustainability and wellbeing. As cultural institutions, museums have the ability to raise awareness about the importance of sustainable development and to encourage visitors to adopt more sustainable lifestyles – taking it step by step. Museums can also contribute to the wellbeing of individuals and communities by providing opportunities for learning, social interaction, and personal growth.
The conference will provide a platform for sharing best practices, research findings, and innovative ideas related to museums, sustainability, and wellbeing.
The deadline for REGISTRATION is 22 September 2023. We are very much looking forward to your registration and seeing you in person in Romania.
Conference fee is 50 EUR. We kindly ask you to please transfer the fee to ICOM SEE account until 29 September 2023:
IBAN: FR76 3005 6005 1105 1100 5016 715
Reference: Conference 2023
Banking domiciliation:
ICOM SEE Annual Conference 2023_PROGRAMME