February 11, 2021
15 Years of ICOM SEE Meeting

ICOM SEE celebrated 15 Years with the virtual Academy, starting at 15.00 CET. The Chair Alenka Černelič Krošelj from Slovenia welcomed Mr Alberto Garlandini, President of ICOM who was the first to adress the attendents.
Alenka Černelič Krošelj, also the moderator, emphasized the important role of the initator and the first Chair dr. Mila Popović Živančević, former director of Diana centre in Belgrade, who wasn’t able to attend but sent best wishes. The work of ICOM SEE presented Nina Zdravič Polič from Slovenia and Goranka Horjan from Croatia (ICOM SEE Chair 2016—2019). Some thoughts about the start and work was given aslo by founding member Jan Kišgeci from Novi Sad, Serbia.
After some insight in 15 Years two projections, AV insights, that were prepared by Tanja Roženberga, Nina Zdravič Polič and Slavko Spasić, were showed.
The celebration continued with adresses of guests Luis Raposo, ICOM Europe Chair, Andreja Rihter, director of Forum of Slavic Cultures and members – Vice Chairs of ICOM SEE Slavko Spasić and Virgil Stefan Nitulescu, Biljana Đorđević and Tanja Roženbergar.
The toast from the Chair with the thanks to all who enabled the greta work in past and present was the last act in good mood and hope to see all in person very soon.