April 16, 2020
Earthquake relief to Croatian museums from Slovenian colleagues

After the devastating earthquake struck Zagreb in early hours of March 22nd and inflicted serious damage on many city museums’ buildings, exhibitions and collections, Slovenian Museum Association and ICOM Slovenia have taken a quick response and organized a relief action. Museums close to the border area and City of Zagreb – Museum of Dolenjska from Novo Mesto, Božidar Jakec Gallery from Kostanjevica na Krki and Posavje Museum Brežice – took immediate action and donated large amount of various materials needed for the evacuation of primarily damaged Croatian History Museum, as well as other institutions in Zagreb. Transport and handover were undertaken by museum staff from Božidar Jakec Gallery and Posavje Museum Brežice, and on Croatian side teams from Museums of Hrvatsko Zagorje, Ethnographic Museum in Zagreb and Croatian History Museum, coordinated by Vlatka Filipčić Maligec (Museums of Hrvatsko Zagorje). This great gesture is a confirmation and pledge for the bright future of friendship and cooperation between Slovenian and Croatian museums.