ICOM South East Europe Alliance

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November 26, 2020

ICOM SEE Board Meeting Meeting

The ICOM SEE board meeting was held online.

Following Alenka Černelič Krošelj call, the members presented the situation in museums in their countries during this period.

Goranka Horjan suggested that members send short impressions on how museums from each country are dealing in ‘Covid times’ to be published in ICOM SEE News.


Adopted Programme of ICOM SEE for 2021:


Goranka Horjan presented the INTERCOM special project for a survey on leadership: what are the challenges that museum leaders face during these difficult times (a global pandemic, political influence, an economic recession, sustainability, climate change). INTERCOM is applying for the special project (funded by ICOM), and would like to have ICOM SEE as a partner. The aim is to conduct globally relevant research that is more applicable for other parts of the world, get feedback, lay down guidelines and have workshops – all of this with an interactive approach.


Alenka Černelič Krošelj presented the second proposal. ICR had invited ICOM SEE to join the Annual Conference, which will take place from 6 until 12 September 2021 in Romania.

The proposed general theme of the conference is: regional museums about culture, spiritual, ethnical and political borders, revealing yesterday’s truth for tomorrow.

Virgil Stefan Nitulescu agreed to act as the link between ICOM Romania, ICR and ICOM SEE. Goranka Horjan pointed out that the General Conference organisers would have an international symposium in late August in Prague, so it was necessary to choose a later date for the conference. She agreed to a date in September.


The Chair suggested that ICOM SEE organizes another online conference in the first part of 2021 with some good ideas and important questions. ICOM SEE NEWS would be presented as part of the conference and the 15th anniversary would be celebrated.


The Chair asked the members about ICOM SEE making a promotion on the International Intangible Heritage Day (17 October). We will get in touch with the ICOM Secretariat and the Chair to organize new activities.


The Chair proposed to the members that ICOM SEE could be a partner or could participate in national conferences. Goranka Horjan and Tanja Roženbergar suggested making exhibition exchanges (online) and travelling virtual exhibitions.

The Chair reported about the process of replacing directors of national museums in Slovenia characterised by a political agenda and lack of any professional standards. The discussion continued by the members sharing similar experience in other countries.
